Tuesday, December 30, 2008

i'm back!!!
miss me???
aiyo!! must miss me mah!! don like tat la!!!!

HOME SWEET HOme??isnt it!!!??
sure lor!!!!
hehee....... well miss my computer i think..haha
actually not la.!!!
tomorrow my house celebrate 1st of JANUARY !!! muahaha..so? must prepare it and at home lor!! i'm sure i'm sure my dad MISS me!!! haha...since he no call my phone but i know 1!!! hahaa
coz i'm his daughter mah!!!


WELCOME 2009 new year

a new year a new hope!!!!

right right right??

well well well..today my cousin get PMR result...
i stay her new house for 3 days 2 nights ade..
so today is last day!! morning accompany her to get her result lor...

WOW!!!! let me tell u!! our mood
SCare...... EXcited.......etc.......

at there u can see
some of them result GOOD? "gam tong" till cry and hug frien
some of them result BAD? sure cry and hug frien

she got STRAight A's!!! 8 A's...

she make me nervous ade!!!
because ....
next year is turn me

omg omg omg omg omg

not only me nervous la!!! and my another cousin too!!! who face UPSR next year too!!!
i think ah!!! my other cousins next year going face big exam and tat who know her GOOD nEWS!! sure nervous ade...
see i also say wad..not only me nervous!!
well well..
gambate lor!!!
all of us who sit exam next year!

i gona start
i gona prepare
i gona face
i gona stop and play play play
i gona.....dono liao..
what can i do???
try my besta....

bless me!! hahaaa

oh ya!!!

hehe ....smile!!!

current mood// happy

Saturday, December 27, 2008


just for fun!!!

1. rmyre --> merry
2. macsstrhi --> christmas
3. sleve --> elves
4. rnado --> norad
5. noasnwm --> snowman
6. nafsekswlo --> snowflakes
7. hpudlor --> rudolph
8. serspten --> presents
9. falmyi --> family
10. herta --> heart
11. dnsnkies --> kindness
12. soyt --> toys
13. tsrctaasnak --> tracksanta
14. onle --> noel
15. lhlssebgeli --> sleighbells
16. loinsthsca --> St. Nicholas
17. eioscko --> Cookies
18. rluaumsgsp --> Sugar Plums
19. heisgl --> sleigh
20. enedierr --> reindeer
21. hildosay --> holiday
22. sculamrs --> Mrs Claus
23. eret ---> tree
24. yrnkuinetred --> turkey dinner
25. fserdni --> friends
26. lveo --> love
27. aihgnsr --> sharing
28. iviggn --> giving
29. ulye --> yule
30. jlneliblgse --> Jingle Bell
31. ohlnrtpeo --> Northpole
32. ccmirgano --> magic corn

Word Scramble Answers
How did you score?
0-5 Correct ~ Intern Elf
6-15 Correct ~ Elf in Training
16-22 Correct ~ Jr. Elf Apprentice
22-28 Correct ~ Elf Apprentice
29-32 Correct ~ Senior Elf

Thursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY X'mas!!!!!

i'm enjoy shopping at Gurney!!!

afternoon enjoy food at Chilis!

tonight will be enjoy thai food..hahaa

will celebrate it on 31st + celebrate new year2009!!!

current mood// super happy

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

juz came back.....from sunway
with my cousinsss...
watch my cousin performance..ermm..not bad...they looks very enjoying..

my cousins and i
all of us got tried a dress
not bad huh.
orange in colour.....4 of us tring in da fitting room..
will post da photo when i get da photoss

and tonight is christmas Eve
lots of ppl sure going out to countdown now...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

miss her again and again..
at d last....
she sms us already ^^
i'm so happy when my bro telling me, she sms us!!!
damn miss her..
i heard my mum said she asking us still got maid or not?
i'm very WELCoME her to back my home again for help....
however she old....or what...coz she very care me......
i think now is the time my mum thinking still wan her or not....
my family miss her too!!!!
i feel tat ...
mayb she already finish her money..
or ..
positif thinik...
she miss us too!

Monday, December 22, 2008

tired day....
with frien shop for 2 dayss....
whole days...
no rest....
my lovely cousin tis sunday move to new house lor..
i'm going to stay her new house overnight..
with my other cousin too...

Friday, December 19, 2008


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

girls!! plz read it....is good for u!

抗癌之母 — 庄淑旗博士生于 1922 年,今年 80 岁了
女生月经来时为何不能洗头 ?
很早以前就常听到老一辈的人这样规劝我们这 些不怕死的年青人
因为问他们:为什么不行?没人回答得出来, 只说:那是以前人经验累积的
所以就这样,一直觉得那可能是古早环境不好 ,没有像我们现在有吹风机,
洗好马上吹干,应该就没事了 …
想不到 …… 看了这篇文章后,才知道不是有没有吹干的问 题
各位不论是小女孩还是大女人,都应该要注意 ,不要洗头就对了
男生收到也看一看,跟你有关的女人都应该让 他知道这个正确观念才是 !
台湾的女医学博士庄淑旗女士,在日本留学潜 心研究发现,她以中国医理的
根基研究医学,先后在日本庆应大学修得药理 博士、医学博士,她对日本癌症患
者三万人的病发前的生活调查发现,绝大多数 的癌症患者均有极端的偏食习惯,并在
调查中有惊人的发现,大多数的乳癌及子宫癌 患者,喜欢在月经来潮时,洗头发、提
重东西、或产后不注意调养或吃冰冷食物,致 子宫收缩不完全,而使体内贺尔蒙分泌
由于这项发现,庄博士乃潜心研究女性月经期 间生理调理的方法,在日本发
表改善月经期间饮食法,与改变生活方式疗法 ,结果使许多日本妇女因乳癌、子
宫癌症及得患其它癌症开刀者,因饮食、生活 的改善,而使癌症不再发。
现在这个疗法已在日本被广为宣传,每年有数 万人因而得救,这个方法就是,
在月经期不能洗头,她说古老的时侯,妇女们 都知道月经期间不能洗头,将之传
给她的女儿媳妇,但不知其原因,有许多现代 人总以为科学发达,古老的说法无凭
据,不信,结果竟得乳癌,庄博士说:以往子 宫大量出血的妇女,在妇科未发达以
前,她们都不愿找医师看病,而有一个自疗方 法,即是将头发用水打湿,则子宫收
因为这个原理,她发现,月经来潮时,不能洗 发,不能吃冰冷食物,以免让
排出的污血未排净,而残留在子宫之内,日积 月累,贺尔蒙分泌失调,而有乳
癌、子宫癌的发生,除了不洗发,不吃冰冷食 物外,如月经来潮前会有 头晕、胀
奶、便泌者 ,这是癌症的前兆,预防方法可依体型用 黑糖、莲藕、萝葡、薏仁等,熬汤 饮
则可防止癌细胞的发展,达到最佳的预防方法 ·
请多多转寄给自己的女朋友及身旁的女性朋友 。
少喝奶茶,不吃 刚 烤的面包, 远 离充 电电 源,白天多喝水 晚 上少喝,一天不喝多于两杯咖啡,少吃油多的 食物,最佳睡眠 时间为晚 10点到早6点, 晚 5点后少吃大餐,一天喝酒不能超 过 1 杯,不用冷水服胶囊,睡前半小 时 服 药 忌立即躺下,睡眠不足8小 时 人会 变笨,有午 觉习惯 的人不易 变 老,手机剩一格点 时 不要打 电话 ,因 为 一格 电 打 电话时 的 辐 射是平常的1000倍, 还 要 记得要用左耳接 电话 ,右耳接 电话 会直接 伤 到大 脑 。


1. 在干净的床上裸睡
3. 生理期不吃巧克力,因为会加重痛经
4. 经期只穿无钢圈内衣
5. 养成记录生理周期的习惯
6. 通过运动而非调整型内衣来塑造曲线
7. 不翘二郎腿,以免压迫神经
9. 贴身衣物要干洗
10. 拉风的丁字裤不适宜日常穿着
11.不穿标有 '免烫'标识的衣服
12. 丝巾扎得过紧会导致头晕
13. 去年的衣服要进行曝晒后才可以穿
14. 如非必要,不使用卫生护垫
15. 定期检查化妆品的保质期
16. 洗浴后一小时再化妆
17. 每周只用一次清洗液,用温水清洁私密部位
18. 即使爱美,也不要在耳朵上部的外缘软骨部位 穿耳洞
19. 染发频率控制在半年一次
20. 了解自己的家庭病史,特别是母亲和外婆的病 史

21. 每天踏进办公室,先将窗户打开透气,再坐下 来工作
22.如果一天要接听5 小时电话,使用无线耳机
23. 复印文件时,与复印机保持至少一米
24. 只在非常必要时才使用滴眼液
25. 不趴在办公桌上午睡
26. 该午休的时候不玩电脑游戏
27. 在办公室为自己准备小靠垫,放在腰部
28. 从不戴着眼镜接听手机
29. 别让电脑包围你,它的侧、背面辐射更凶
30. 不要将笔记本电脑放在膝上使用
31. 在办公桌上养一盆仙人掌,帮助吸收辐射
32. 阅读完报纸后,记得清洗掉沾在手上的油墨
33. 每 30分钟伸一次懒腰
34. 办公室地毯定期清洗杀虫
35. 用完电脑后要清洁面部及手部,清除辐射微尘
36. 下班时将洗净的水杯倒扣在办公桌上
37. 单肩的短带挎包会加重肩周炎症状
38. 公文包时的口红与签字笔分格存放
39. 每天保证有2 小时以上的时间,让脚从高跟鞋时解放出来
40. 每周晚过22:00 的加班不超过一次

41. 浴室保持干燥,防止霉菌滋生
42. 沐浴不超过10分钟
43. 不要坐在马桶上看报纸
44. 用温水刷牙,同时刷刷舌头
45. 用冷热水交替洗脸
47. 定期清理冰箱
48. 微波炉在工作时,请离开厨房
50. 晚餐时关掉电视机
51. 尽量避免使用厚绒布窗帘
52. 杀虫剂和清洁剂要放在远离起居场所的储物间
53. 用天然的花香或果香代替芳香剂
54. 和宠物嬉戏完要认真洗手
55. 冬天居室里的加湿器使用纯净水
56. 不要贪图方便将电脑带进卧室
57. 不要把手机放在枕边充当闹钟
58. 别在临睡前服药,安眠药也要提前半小时服用
59. 头发没干时, 别急着入睡
60. 卧室的房间要用柔和色彩

61. 在牛奶和豆浆之间,选择后者
62. 觉得还可以再吃半碗饭时,离开餐桌
63. 如果身体不感到饥渴,每天只需饮用4杯水
64. 多喝酸奶
65. 无论什么原因,都别抽烟
66. 在食谱里添加杂粮和蔬菜
67. 饮绿茶胜过红茶
68. 重视早餐多过晚餐
69. 控制盐的用量
70. 起床后先刷牙,再喝水
72. 一早一晚,两个苹果可以有效改善便秘
73. 纯素食可能导致荷尔蒙分泌异常,造成不孕
74. 每周至少吃一次鱼
76. 不喝久煮的火锅汤
77. 没有果汁牛奶这回事,它们是天生的冤家
78. 饭前吃水果胜过饭后
79. 睡前可以来一杯红葡萄酒
80. 喝咖啡可能引起女性骨质疏松

81. 多享受早晨8-9 点的阳光
82. 跑步、骑脚踏车等运动可以保持优美的腿部线 条
83. 热水泡脚可有效预防静脉曲张
84. 精神极度疲倦时并不适宜以运动减压,休息更 重要
85. 冬季少做户外运动
86.10 层以下,不乘坐电梯
88. 每天运动半小时,而非周末运动3小时
90. 边看电视边做柔软体操
91. 在游泳池里一定要戴上泳帽和泳镜
93. 午休也是健身的好时间,不一定非等到晚上
96. 去正规的医院而非美容院接受按摩
97. 非运动状态下不喝功能性饮料
98. 运动后休息半小时再入浴
99. 不在过吵的健身房中锻炼
100. 正确的姿势比专程去健身更有效

Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm back!!!

back from Hatyai.
2 days.only ..finish between RM200+ n RM250
not yet plus mumm mumm 1...le
bought lots clothes..
something i like lor...
not shopping with my mum...
shopping with my clerk..
my mum with her frienz..
.then i ma with my frienzz lor..
bought 5 shirt.....
2 dresses...
+++ others.....cant remember it..

and some i bought others places le....not at Hatyai le..
lotssssss lotssss clothes lor..
stop it !!!!!!

this wed hanging v frien
ask from my mum permission ade..
DEAL lol!!!
with my besta frien watch movie...hang kai ...
my mum said..
so many stuff in ur room...
u juz 16 mon- fri
schooling day..
u din go anywhere..
all da clothes...lastest 1..til nw u not yet wear..
huh ...stop buying d kay??

hahaa.....answer her.....okok...and stupid laughing....
bla bla bla bla bla.....
lurieen enjoying her life rite nw....!!!!

current mood///super HAPPY

Friday, December 12, 2008



Lets start pic talkingg........

man!!! i'm so pity!!! i m da who gv them BBQ~ -.-"

da 1 white pig...who my patner!!!

All of these this afternoon i just took 1..
my mother wanna give back frien things..
then her frien ask my mother go take a look..sure she din see all of these be4 1.
yup..is TRUE..BINGO!!!!

they are praying...
do u see da pic what i upload for u see???
cant believe it rite??
wow!! so lots foodssss....
what also hv...
goat head...pig head..bla bla bla......
lots .. lots le....
da aunty said..
this type 1..
just 12 years pray 1 time....
so all of them they do til very.........
u know lor..what i wanna say..
really make ppl..
if u din see it be4....

i feel..they waste money..
ya u can pray but really need so lots all of these???
isnt tat u got setia to da god what u pray then it will know ade mer...not mer???

i heard they said..
yesterday night 12.00am pray till next day 5-6p.m something...
my god!!!!!
1st they pray all da things is alive...likes goat...not yet die..pig too!!!
then pray oil rice..
oil rice is what??
i also dono ..maybe rice plus oil ba...
kill da goat pig...etc...
erhem...then cook lor..
then pray pray pray again again.....
i saw da table ah..
each table sure got 1 big big big big PIG 1..

The END!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lurieen Album

yesterday i done it 1....
how's is it ya??
left some comment for me..
telll me....
i feel da japanese cloth not very nice lor.....
while da photo i curi use hp take 1...muahahaaa

nice huh!!! Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie was introduced to the holiday table at the Pilgrim's second Thanksgiving in 1623. Decorate this American classic with some whipped cream, or serve the cream alongside. Add a little dusting of cinnamon or fresh grated nutmeg for extra oomph

Yield: Serves 8
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled butter, cut into pieces
3 tablespoons whipping cream

3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon packed golden brown sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon (generous) salt
1 16-ounce can solid pack pumpkin
3/4 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup sour cream
3 large eggs, beaten to blend

1/4 cup apricot preserves
For crust:

Preheat oven to 350°F. Blend first 3 ingredients in processor until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add cream and process until moist clumps form. Gather dough into ball, flatten into disk. Wrap in plastic; chill 15 minutes.

Roll out dough on floured surface to 14-inch round. Transfer dough to 9-inch glass pie dish. Trim overhang to 1 inch. Fold overhang under. Make cut in crust edge at 1/2 inch intervals. Bend alternate edge pieces inward. Freeze 15 minutes.

Line crust with foil, pressing firmly. Bake until sides are set, about 10 minutes. Remove foil. Bake crust until pale brown, about 10 minutes more. Reduce oven temperature to 325°F.

Spread preserves over crust; pour in filling. Bake until filling puffs at edges and center is almost set, about 55 minutes. Cool on rack. Cover; chill until cold. (Can be made 1 day ahead.)

For filling:

Using whisk, mix first 6 ingredients in bowl until no lumps remain. Blend in pumpkin, whipping cream, sour cream and eggs.

Spread preserves over crust; pour in filling. Bake until filling puffs at edges and center is almost set, about 55 minutes. Cool on rack. Cover; chill until cold. (Can be made 1 day ahead.)

cheese cake

ordinary cheese cake.....nothing special with it.

haha my new style pizza cheese cake =)

since it looks very "geli"
but its delicious..
when midnight my dad curi makan -.-"
so u can see....da pizza cheese cake cut ade......so ugly owh

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


2007 of me

Sunday, December 7, 2008

faster faster past tuesday...

current mood///happy

Saturday, December 6, 2008

will be busy tis few days......

my parents busy about temple thingy...
preparing tis tat...
also bring me along!! ask me go for help
ok..i go..
i do tis tat nvmind
lots ppl there.
but others wad they do?
talkactive nia!!!act like nothing to do...play pc talk talk talk...

pekjek lor!!!!!
tak bekerjasama,,,
buat mati orang ke?

tats da reason i don wan go for help!
but at d last...still must go...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Snatch Thief In Tmn Perling, Johor Bahru.‏

Be careful..

Holding tight also useless. Need to wear helmet when walk on the road. Problem.

Dear All,
This is what happened on Friday afternoon, when this girl was crossing the road to work as a part time salesgirl after school.
While crossing the road a motorbike came from behind and the pillion use a helmet and hit on the head while the motorbike was moving.
The girl died on the spot. She just only 18 years old.
Always alert and for the ladies ...... your handbag!!! Take care!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

DeCemBer 1

tell me..wad da u feeling V....


super happy!!!!
today ..........
morning .....bought 2 new short...
afternoon ...bought 2 new long dresses..
but da dresses damn expensive la....

i think da 2 dresses ah....in my cupboard .....da most most most EXPENSIVE dd......
thanks mama!!
luv u!!!!!

current mood// super happy