Thursday, November 6, 2008


i saw my frien...
we're same class....juz see =) how bad is her bf..

recess time~
boy walking upstair find gf...
dot dot dot......

boy: huh!no need eat now ! teach me math~ later only eat...

girl: ok ok.....

boy sitting down
girl finding paper what she prepare for him some important formula

boy: faster la! ask u do something also so slow!

girl keep quite~

boy: asking her this how to do that how to do...

girl: ok like tis ...bla bla bla bla bla...

boy: hey! u know how to teach or not?r u know what u teaching?

girl: ya~

da girl trying to find something more easier explain to him

girl: wait wait wait...i got to find da answer and see da formula proberly again then teach u..for me some mins..

boy: what la!

run out da class and da face like WTF scolding his gf!

time to exam~

da girl very sad....
and crying...
be frien...all trying to ask her..r u okay? ...bla bla bla......

girl stomach empty actually got bring bread to school eat d eat her breadfast....lagi kena marah pulak!

SEE!!!!!see very bad rite??!!!
WTF !!!!!!
alway like tat.....
da stupid bf!
not only i complain! my other friens also complain it too!